Course Catalog
International Christian
Course catalogue
(800) 214-7765
Message from the President.
I am delighted that you have chosen to apply to international Christian University. I read a statement the other day that indicated, "we are not called to bring the world to Christ, but to bring Christ to the world", I was impacted greatly by this statement, and the purpose of this university is to equip men and women with the knowledge to impact this world with the saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Christian education is very important. It is basically knowing the Bible, the theology of God and His ministry, and the role of the Holy Spirit. This aspect never ceases because God continues to reveal himself in fresh ways. There are advantages of being in Bible college, and it is the fact that the graduates are more mature and experienced, the time spent pursuing their education not only enables them to grow in knowledge and wisdom but in maturity and also it enables them to delve more deeply into God's word and the study of theology.
International Christian University is committed to serving Christ and His churches worldwide at an affordable price. The university is set up for Sunday school teachers. pastors, evangelists, or anyone who wants to learn more.
Thank you for considering ICU. God richly blesses you as you study His word.
May God richly bless you in His abundant love,
Dr. George Moore, President/Founder
George Moore, MA, D Min, Ph.D. President & Founder
Amon Benavides MA, Vice president & Co-Founder
Christine Moore, Secretary
Romy Ambrosio, Faculty
Our Mission
International Christian University is a Spirit-filled, Evangelical education ministry for the preparation of believers for a lifestyle of effective Christian Service.
Our Motto
The Message is Christ.
Our Doctrinal Statement
Doctrinal Statement
- The Bible is the inspired Word of God. 2 Peter 1:20-21
- In One God, manifesting Himself in the Father the Son, and the Holy Ghost 1 John 5:7
- That Jesus was born by a virgin Matthew 1:20-23
- That Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. John 3;16
- That Jesus was crucified and shed His own blood for our sins. Matthew 27:35
- That Jesus rose from the dead on the third day and ascended into heaven, to the right hand of the Father. Matthew 28 Hebrew 12:2
- In the bodily resurrection, eternal life with God in heaven for the righteous, eternal life with God in heaven for the righteous, and eternal punishment and torment in hell for the wicked. John 14:3; Psalm 9:17
- That all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, and for one to be saved, they must repent of their sins, confess with their mouth, the Lord Jesus, and must believe in their heart that God had raised Him from the dead. Romans 3:23, Romans 10:9-10
- That one must be born again to inherit eternal life. John 3:3-6
- In sanctification; by the blood, the Word, and by the Holy Spirit. John 17:19-22.
- In bible holiness. Hebrews 12:4
- That signs shall follow them that believe. Mark 16:16-20.
- That a Christian must have the fruit of the Spirit and love for the brethren. Galatians 5:22-23; 1 John 3:14-15
- In water baptism by immersion in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28: 19-20
- That one cannot join the church of Jesus Christ, but must be born into the church Acts 2:47.
- Divine healing for the believer is provided by the atonement. 1 Peter 2:24
- In the Lord's supper and washing of the saint's feet 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26; John 13: 4-5.
- In the deity of Jesus, He is the Word that was made fresh. He is the King of Kings and Lords, and He is alive forevermore. John 1:14; Revelation 1:18.
International Christian University is accredited by
The National Bible College Association
Type of Degree Offered
The courses taught and degrees earned are for personal enrichment in the word of God to prepare one for ministerial service.
- Associate of Arts in Biblical Studies
- Bachelors of Arts in Biblical Studies
- Master of Arts in Biblical Studies
- Doctor of Arts in Biblical Studies
- Bachelor of Theology
- Master of Theology
- Doctor of Theology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Theology
- Bachelor of Ministry
- Master of Ministry
- Doctor of Ministry
- Doctor of Philosophy in Ministry
- Bachelor in Biblical Counseling
- Master in Biblical Counseling
- Doctor in Biblical Counseling
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Counseling
- Honorary Doctor of Ministry
Associates Degree
The pre-requisites for acceptance into the "Associates in Biblical Studies" program are a High School Diploma or GED.
Bachelor's Degree
The pre-requisite for acceptance into the "bachelors of Biblical Studies" program are an Associate's Degree or at least 60 transferable undergraduate credits.
Master's Degree
The prerequisites for acceptance into the "Masters of Biblical Studies" program are a Bachelor's Degree or at least 120 transferable undergraduate credits.
Doctoral Degree
The pre-requisite for acceptance into the "Doctors of Theology"
And "Doctor of Ministry" program is at least 60 transferable graduate credits.
All courses taught at ICU use the NKJV as the main text as its main text.
Every Serious student of the Bible should own a good study Bible. Students should also own quality reference books including but not limited to a concordance, Bible dictionary, commentaries, Bible handbooks, and for computer users Bible software.
We encourage our students to buy textbooks from any source where they can find them or through the institution at a price of $20 each.
Associate of Arts In Biblical Studies
Students must complete 60 units to earn this degree. The courses to attain this degree is the following.
The Four Gospels by Watson E. Mills and Richard F. Wilson= 5 units
The Book of Acts– 5 units
The Book of Romans – 5 units
The Book of 1 Corinthians – 5 units
The Book of 2 Corinthians – 5 units
The Book of Galatians – 5 units
The Book of Psalms-5 units
The Anointing by George Moore – 5 units
Multiple Choice 1
We offer a multiple choice of 120 questions
which counts as 20 units. You must pass with a
grade of 70% to be awarded the units.
Bachelors of Arts in Biblical Studies
Students must complete 120 units to earn this degree
Ephesians – 5 units
Philippians 5 units
Colossians – 5 units
1 Thessalonians – 5 units
2 Thessalonians – 5 units
1 Timothy – 5 units
2 Timothy – 5 units
Titus – 5 units
Philemon – 5 units
Hebrew – 5 units
James – 5 units
Survey of the Old Testament – 5 units
Master of Arts in Biblical Studies
40 units earned after having a bachelor's degree
1 Peter and 2 Peter – 5 units
Philipians-5 units
Colossians-5 units
I Thessalonians-5 units
2 Thessalonians- 5 units
1 John, 2 John and 3 John – 5 units
The Book of Jude-5 units
The Book of Revelation – 5 units
Multiple Choice 2: Each student must take and pass this multiple choice questions. The students must pass with a grade of 80% or better. The student receives a grade of satisfactory or not satisfactory.
Doctor of Theology
Our Doctor of Theology degree is by the Thesis Method. This degree is 40 units beyond the Master's degree. Write eight papers of at least 5,000 words on any of the following. Multiple Choice 3:Then you are required to pass a multiple choice question about the Bible of 100 questions. You must score at least 80% on the exam.
- Homiletics
- The Doctrine of Divine Healing
- Intercessory Prayer
- Angels
- Old Testament Survey
- New Testament Survey
- Spiritual gifts
- Salvation
- Trinity
- Minor Prophets
- Major Prophets
Doctor of Ministry
This degree comprises of 30 units beyond the master's. Write five papers of at least 5,000
words on any of the following.
- Counseling
- Spiritual gifts
- The Ministry of Christ
- Acts of the Apostles
- Epistles of Paul
- Book of Revelation
- The Anointing
- Prayer
- Intercessory Prayer
- The Great Commission
- Angels
- Miracles
- Apologetics
Multiple Choice 4: You are required to pass a multiple choice questions with at least 80%.
Honorary Doctor of Ministry
This degree is for a minister of the gospel who has completed five years of ministry. Multiple Choice 5: Pass a 50 multiple choice questions with 80% .
Write a thesis of at least 5000 words on a topic to be approved by faculty.
Course Descriptions:
The Gospels
This course is for anyone who wishes to focus on the study of the gospels. This book contains a good commentary on all the four gospels.
Text: The Four Gospels by Watson E. Mills and Richard F. Wilson
The Book of Romans
This course will cover information about the book of Romans the author of Romans, the time of Romans, the Christ of Romans, Keys to Romans, Survey of Romans, Verse and a summary of each chapter.
Text: Bible NKJV
Handouts will be given.
The Book of Acts
This course will cover general information about the book of Acts, the author of Acts, the time of Acts, the Christ of Acts, Keys to Acts, survey of Acts, verse by verse and a summary of each chapter.
Text: Bible NKJV
Handouts will be given.
The Anointing
This course defines what the anointing is and mentions various aspects of it. There is mention of the difference between the presence of God and His anointing. The anointing is proclaimed as proven and its relationship with the goodness of God is mentioned. The anointing is mentioned as the greatest tool designed by God to change the world for His glory.
Text: The Anointing by Dr. George Moore
Essence of His Power
In this course six aspects concerning the power of God is mentioned.. This course addresses, the question, "why the power of God". The author makes you see in terms of being your help, breakthrough and a new thing.
Text: Essence of His Power by George Moore
Church History
Written as a basic introduction to the subject, this course covers four major periods of church History: The Ancients Church, The Medieval Church, The Reformation Church and the Modern Church. It is designed to give Christians an overview of their spiritual heritage.
Text: Perspectives from Church History, James P. Eckmann
The Book of 1 Corinthians
This course will cover general information about 1 Corinthians the author of 1 Corinthians, the time of 1 Corinthians, the Christ of 1 Corinthians, Keys to 1 Corinthians, survey of 1 Corinthians, verse by verse and a summary of each chapter.
Text: Bible NKJV
Handouts will be given.
The Book of 2 Corinthians
This course will cover general information about 2 Corinthians the author of 2 Corinthians, the time of 2 Corinthians, the Christ of 2 Corinthians, Keys to 2 Corinthians, survey of 2 Corinthians, verse by verse and a summary of each chapter.
New Testament Survey
Old Testament Survey
A sweeping overview of God's working from creation through the early days of His chosen people. Topics include the patriarchs, Israel's trek to the promised Land, David's reign, Solomon's kingdom, the Kingdom of Judah, the exile and the writings of the prophets.
Text: tents, Temples, and Places, Rick C. Howard.
New Testaments Survey\
An overview of the New Testament that brings unity and chronological sequence to study by weaving the contents of the books around a central theme- the person of Christ. Well-known Bible passages take on new dimensions when seen in the perspectives of a sweeping panoramic overview. Divisions are the synoptic Gospels, the Gospel of John, the Book of Acts, the Pauline Epistles in chronological order, the General Epistles, and the Book of Revelations.
Text: The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, Jean-Baptiste Sawadogo.
Introduction to Theology
This course covers the individuality of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and the Biblical teachers of the Trinity. Topics include the Character/ works of God, the preexistence, incarnation, deity, death, resurrection and return of the Christ; and the personality and power of the Holy Spirit. The individuality of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is studied and the Biblical teaching of the Trinity id clearly presented. The material presented provides both factual information and devotional challenge for every Christian who desires a deeper knowledge of God.
Text: The Triune God, Clarence H. Benson
The course will demonstrate how to communicate God's word effectively through preaching and teaching. These two methods of sharing God's Word are alike in many ways. Yet during the history of the Christians church, each method has developed some distinctive characteristics that made it different from the other. This course will point out the advantages of both and help prepare the reader to use them in the best manner for evangelizing the unsaved and providing for the spiritual development and maturity of those that are ministered to.
Text: Preaching and Teaching, Ernst Pettry.
Salvation is the crucial subject of this course the definition is broadened to include everything that was purchased at Calvary. Salvation in is shown to include not only the forgiveness of the sins of the past and deliverance from the power of sin in the present, but also protection against the depredations that could be brought on by sin in the future. The entire spiritual needs of man are met by the redemption provided by Christ is by what Christ is by what Christ has done through the economy of salvation.
Text: Alive in Christ, David Duncan
Spiritual Gifts
"Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant",
Paul said (1 Corinthians 12:1). Spiritual gifts are very important to the body of Christ, and it is exciting to learn about these gifts that God has made available to His children. These gifts are available to the believer to help him become a greater blessing to the church and more effective in spreading the gospel.
Text: Spiritual Gifts, Robert Brandt
Near the end of Jesus ministry on earth, He told His disciples that the time was coming when the would no longer be with them. Then He said, "And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever - the Spirit of Truth" (John 14:16). Jesus was speaking of the Holy Spirit. In this course you will become acquainted with the ways in which your Friend, the Holy Spirit, wants to help you, in the same way that Jesus helped people when He was here on earth. An overview of the Gifts and fruit of the Spirit is included.
Text: Counselor, Teacher, and Guide, William Farrand.
Because your salvation is "too good to keep". You have probably already shared your testimony with others, and you have realized the need to be able to give people the message of salvation clearly and simply. You need to have at your fingertips the scriptures that will enable you to answer those who ask questions, or who have allowed difficulties to keep them from accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord. This course will help you utilize what you know about salvation and the joy of serving God so that you can tell others about the Pleasures of being a Christian.
Text: Sharing the Good News, Robert Bolton.
Discipleship Ministries
Christian nurturing is very important to the Church's ministry and it is necessary for the growth and maturation of new believers to encourage them and teach them the essential principles of the faith. A study of this 305-page course by Dwayne Turner will encourage and instruct those who would like to help develop spiritual maturity in others. It will also make them aware of their own need for more instruction. The emphasis is on the interdependence that exist in the Christian community. Recent converts need to be instructed and encouraged and mature Christians need to teach and nurture others In order to grow themselves.
1 Peter
This course will comprise of general information about 1 Peter, the author of 1 Peter, the time of 1 Peter, the Christ of 1 Peter, Keys to 1 Peter, Survey of 1 Peter, verse by verse and summary of each chapter.
Text: Bible NKJV
Handouts will be given.
2 Peter
This course will comprise of general information about 2 Peter, the author of 2 Peter, the time of 2 Peter, the Christ of 2 Peter, Keys to 2 Peter, Survey of 2 Peter, verse by verse and summary of each chapter.
Text: Bible NKJV
Handouts will be given.
1 John, 2 John, and 3 John
This course will comprise of the three books together. The course will look at general information on each book, the author of each book, the Christ of each book, keys to each book survey of each book verse by verse of each book and summaries of each chapter.
Text: Bible NKJV
Handouts will be given.
The Book of Revelation
This course will comprise of general information about the book of Revelation, the author of Revelation, the Christ of Revelation, Keys to Revelation, Survey of Revelation, verse by verse and summary of each chapter.
Text: NKJV
Handouts will be given.
The Book of Jude
This course will comprise of general information about the book of Jude, the author of Jude, the Christ of Jude, keys to Jude, Survey of Jude, verse by verse and summary of each chapter.
Text: Bible NKJV
Handouts will be given.
There is a one time $25 application fee for new and transfers students. The applications fee must accompany the applications and is nonrefundable. Upon receipt and processing of the application, a student will be enrolled, issued a student account, and issued a student ID.
If you plan to transfer credits into ICU, please be sure to request a copy from all previous educational institutions and have those schools mail your transcripts. Please also send copies of any certificates or diplomas.
P.O. Box 4834
West Hills, CA 91304
Tuition tor AA degree, each course is $ 125 (not including texts).
Tuition tor BA degree, each course is $ 150 (not including texts).
Tuition tor MA degree, each course is $ 175 (not including texts).
Tuition tor Dr. degree, each course is $ 200 (not including texts).
The separate multiple choice exams are $500 for all levels.
Tuition for the Honorary doctorate is $1,000.
Academic Calendar
Enrollment is always open. You take the courses at your own pace. Graduation ceremony will be in August of each year, with venue and date given six months.